
Observations and meditations of a young teacher living in Norway

Saturday, March 09, 2013

I've started a new blog: My Life in Progress! :) 

Hello again!

To the readers that have followed this blog earlier: I'm sorry that I wasn't good at blogging frequently in the last period of my blogging and that I in the end stopped blogging on this site. I sometimes thought about blogging again, especially last summer, in 2012, but I thought maybe it would be too much for me to be blogging at the same time as being a full time student, but last week I got a kick in my but, to put it like that, because of an assignment in my current study programme, and this got me to start blogging again. However, I decided to start a totally new blog and am not planning on using this blog anymore, so if you want to read more from me you can visit my new blog site here: www.mylifeinprogress.co.uk.

It could be that I will come back to this blog, however. Perhaps I will make it into a Norwegian blog. I just got that idea. That's possible, as I now am only writing in English in my new blog, and it's a good idea since I'm originally Norwegian, and it could be good for me to have a Norwegian blog too. I will think about it, but for now I'm concentrating on my new English blog called "My Life in Progress". To remind you; you can find it here: www.mylifeinprogress.co.uk.

I hope to have many readers on my new blog, but if you're one of those coming here to my old blog because of a link on my new blog, I would also like it if you enjoyed reading my old blog as well as my new blog.

No matter what you read of my writings, I hope they can inspire, inform about interesting topics and encourage you, my readers.

Best wishes,
Ruth Kristin.

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